About us

Welcome to the mystical realm of Smiling Dragon RPG Studios! I’m your trusty guide, and I promise not to lead you into any dragon lairs—unless, of course, you’re up for an epic quest!

So, what’s our deal? Well, imagine a cozy tavern where fantasy fanatics, writers, and indie developers gather. We’re the ones huddled in the corner booth, scribbling notes on napkins and arguing about whether dragons prefer tea or coffee. Spoiler alert: It’s definitely tea. :)

Our mission? To craft rollicking, story-driven role-playing games (RPGs) that’ll whisk you away faster than a warp spell. But here’s the secret sauce: We believe RPG-making is an art form. It’s like painting a canvas with pixels, sprinkling it with magic dust, and adding a dash of dragon fire. Voilà! A game that’ll make your heart race and your dice roll.

Now, let’s rewind a bit. Back in the day, we were known as the “Shaola development team.” Yep, that’s us—the ragtag crew of dreamers who’d rather wield a keyboard than a sword. Our mission? To create user-friendly games that even your grandma could play. Simple mechanics, fun gameplay, and zero complicated button combos.

In 2015, we summoned the Shaola series into existence. Picture this: a world where unicorns moonlight as baristas, and ancient scrolls double as pizza menus. We ditched the usual fantasy tropes and cranked up the imagination dial. Parallel universes? We’ve got 'em! Middle-Earth, Neverland, Elfland, Discworld—they’re all hanging out at our cosmic coffee shop.

Fast-forward to 2016. We’d been working remotely, sipping virtual potions over Zoom (because teleportation spells are still in beta). But then—brace yourself—we met face-to-face in sunny San Diego and star-studded Los Angeles. Imagine a room full of nerds high-fiving and debating whether Gandalf could beat Dumbledore in a wizard duel.

Our battle cry? “No more random encounters!” Seriously, who enjoys stumbling into a horde of goblins while picking flowers? We fused the best bits of classic Western RPGs and JRPGs, minus the grind. Because ain’t nobody got time for that—unless it involves brewing potions or baking dragon-shaped cookies.

And thus, Smiling Dragon RPG Studios was born! Our Shaola series? It’s like a sprawling tapestry woven with threads of intrigue, betrayal, and the occasional dragon pun. Behind the majestic fantasy façade lies medieval politics—think Game of Thrones minus the iron throne and plus a few enchanted beanbags.

But wait, there’s more! We’re not your run-of-the-mill Tolkien clones. Nah, we’re the rebels with a cause. Our storytelling palette? Fifty shades of gray (not that kind, you cheeky bard!). Good and evil? Pfft. We mix 'em up like a magical smoothie.

Now, grab your +3 enthusiasm boots, because here come the highlights of our games:

Fun and simple gameplay: No PhD required. Just pick up your keyboard, slay some pixelated beasts, and save the day. Easy peasy, dragon-squeezy!

Unique and innovative storytelling: Our tales? They’re like roller coasters—twists, turns, and the occasional loop-de-loop. Buckle up, buttercup!

Characters galore: Meet heroes, anti-heroes, and that one NPC who sells suspiciously good cheese. Each title has its own flavor—like a fantasy buffet.

No carbon copies: We’re not photocopying Tolkien’s grocery list. Our universe? Fresh, organic, and sprinkled with stardust.

So, dear adventurer, join us on this wild ride. The Shaola series isn’t just some games—it’s a portal to childhood wonder, a treasure chest of joy, and a dragon-sized hug.

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